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How to edit my profile ?

Step 1: Click on “Profile”in the side navigation panel.

Step 2: Click the edit icon next to “About You”. Then update the information in your profile.

Step 3: Click the “Add Files” button to add a textual resume

Step 4: If you need to change any information in your “Education” Section. Simply click on it and edit the information.

Step 5: Once you are done editing click on the “Update”button to save the information. If you want to remove “Education” click on the “Remove Education” Button.

Step 6: If you want to add another education click on the “Add Another Education” button.

Step 7: Fill in the education details then click on the “submit” button.

Step 8: If you need to update information in your “Work & Experience” Section. click on it and edit the information.

Step 9: Once you are done editing, click on the “Update” ” button to save the information. If you want to remove your “Experience” click the “Remove Education” Button.

Step 10: If you want to add another Experience click the “Add Another Education” button.

Step 11: Fill in the education details then click on the “submit” button.

Step 12: If you need to update information in your “Reference” Section. click on it and edit the information.

Step 13: Once you are done editing, click on the “Update” button to save the information. If you want to remove your “Reference” click the“Remove Reference” Button.

Step 14: If you want to add another Reference click “Add Another Reference” button.

Step 15: Fill in the reference details then click on the “Save”button.

Step 16: Fill in any new skills that you want to add then click on the “submit” button.

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